January 10, 2012

  • Guess I’ll Wait…

    Another thing that I’ve been doing since not being on Xanga is watching lots and lots of the GOP debates. I can’t say that I’m really excited about any of the candidates…. sigh.

    I watched the debate on Saturday and I think I figured out what bothers me about all of the candidates and the election race in general: They aren’t talking about real issues!!! With everything that is going on in this country, I’m not sure standing one way or another on a social issue is going to have any bearing on building our economy back up or job creation. I would argue that those two issues are two of the most pressing and most difficult issues that face our country right now. I’d love to see just one of these candidates come up with a real, tangible plan for fixing some of the ills that our country faces.

    Iz onna fence. / Nor political or nuffin. / I jus onna fence. With me, it’s political…

    If someone would come up with a good plan (or even an interesting plan. At this point, I’ll take an interesting plan), I’d be all ears. But it’s just all noise. I guess I keep watching the debates just hoping that someone says something to intrigue me or light a fire (or perhaps its because the debates have rivaled SNL in hilarity). Eh, gotta find your something, no?

    Have you watched any of the debates? What do you think?



Comments (6)

  • The debates to me just show how shallow the pool of viable GOP candidates there are this cycle. My personal belief is that many of the more viable candidates – Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal and the like suspect that Obama is going to be too strong an incumbent candidate (especially with fundraising) to oust so they’re keeping their powder dry for a run in 2016 when it will be a bit more equal of a contest.

    While I’d love to see a Gingrich-Obama debate, I can’t see past Romney securing the nomination, especially if he places in the top three at South Carolina in a couple of weeks time.
    Ron Paul is too maverick for the GOP to get behind him, Rick Perry is a dead duck walking, Rick Santorum positions well as a VP but nothing more, Jon Huntsman doesn’t have the public profile and Gingrich is too unprofessional and hindered by his ground game to be much of a factor. Leaves Romney as a default candidate, especially with his campaign running ever since 2006/7.

  • I avoid not only the debates, but also the live tweeting of the debates. >.< It was funny at first but it ain’t funny no more.

    Though I am registered with the Green Party, I would be thrilled to vote for a Republican candidate with good plans for job creation, bringing manufacturing back to America, the rebuilding of the nation’s infrastructure, the improvement of public transportation, etc. Because tbh Obama is dropping the ball on way too many things. I voted for him once but I am not obligated to vote for him again. He needs to give me a reason.

    Unfortunately I have yet to see anyone who is seriously running give me a good reason to vote for them.

  • How’s it going Meg?  Glad to see you on Xanga.  I’ve not been able to catch the debates but have been following the campaign and just have to roll my eyes at how much b.s. the candidates are allowed to spew without being caught or corrected by the media.

    My two cents are on Huntsman and I even registered as a Republican so that I can take place in the Kansas primary and give him my vote.  Listening to him talk about the issues, he seems to have a more realistic and pragmatic grasp of the world and isn’t pandering to extremist voters.  Of course, that’s why he also won’t win the nomination, but there’s no harm in trying.

  • @cmdr_keen - I think you’re exactly right about Romney being the default candidate and South Carolina may seal that deal!

    @ClimbUpTreesToLookForFish - Thanks for this!

    @SoapAndShampoo - Yeah, I have no clue who to vote for. If I had to vote today for a primary candidate, I’d probably pick Huntsman as he seems the most level headed to me. Hah, and I still get a kick out of live tweeting the debates – mostly because I can’t believe the things that come out of these people’s mouths.

    @christao408 - Huntsman is definitely the most level headed, least ridiculous candidate. Unfortunately most of the people that choose to vote in the primaries are party die-hards and therefore they vote more away from the middle of the road. 

  • I’ve been very Xanga-remiss. But, I hope you are well….

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