Month: September 2012

  • Come November

    Guys, we have just over 60 days until the election and for me, it cannot come soon enough. While Maryland (yes, we moved back to MD and bought a house recently) is not a battleground state, Virginia most definitely is and it makes me sad. I’m so sick of all of the political ads. It doesn’t matter who the commercial is for or against, they all irritate me to no end. I’m still partially undecided on who I will vote for and these commercials are not helping one bit.

    My indecisiveness isn’t really centered on Obama versus Romney. I’m not 100% happy with either candidate (are we ever 100% happy?). I guess I just want someone that I can be really excited about and I’m not finding that with the two major party candidates nor any of the third party. I do think that part of my indecisiveness comes from the ugliness of this campaign. With all the PACs involved, things have gotten pretty ugly. I fancy myself a pretty educated person when it comes to politics and even I have a hard time figuring out who is behind what ads, something that I think is important to know when using the information in the ads to make a decision.

    I know that I’ll eventually come to decision; it’s just hard to focus with all of the background noise.