Month: July 2011

  • A Grand Adventure

    I’m getting ready to go to Ukraine (yes, Ukraine) of all places two weeks from today. I’ve had my tickets for several months now (can’t remember if I talked about this before I became a derelict Xangan). I’m going to go visit one of my dear, dear friends who is currently working over there. I’m getting a little bit anxious to go. I’m going by myself and that’s by far the furthest I’ve traveled by myself. My friend is meeting me right at the airport but I’m having recurring nightmares that somehow I don’t find her and end up chillin’ in the Kyiv airport for two weeks (which would be teh suck). I’m sure it’ll be fine.

    We have a lot of grand plans to see Kyiv and to visit Odessa, a town on the Black Sea. We also plan to visit the smaller town where she’s working. My great-great grandparents came directly to the States from Ukraine so I’m also excited about the familial aspect. Unfortunately the town that my great great grandfather was from no longer exists and the town my great great grandmother was from has been swallowed up by Poland (it’s crazy how much the country borders in that area of the world have changed during the 20th century!).

    It’s going to be a fabulous trip and I can’t wait to share pictures when I get back!

    Where are you going this summer?

  • Congress: Stupid is as Stupid Does

    This morning, as usually for most Sunday mornings in the Cheshire/Architect household, we had the Sunday political talk shows on. The topic d’jour was of course the debt talks taking place here in DC-land. The deal is that something needs to be done about the debt ceiling as we’re scheduled to crash into it in early-August.

    Watching the Republicans and Democrats fight back and forth about this whole thing is pretty crazy. Rick Santorum was on one of the shows that I was watching and he said something smart (and bless his heart, he doesn’t say smart things too often!). He said something along the lines of Washington doesn’t do anything until there is a crisis. Sad, but true. Even though we seem to be at the point where something needs to be done but no one seems to be willing to compromise or to come up with something daring. It’s crazy. Cut spending or cut taxes or cut benefits. No one seems to want to do any of it.

    It’s hard not to be frustrated. Compromise should be one thing that politicians should focus on. It’s ridiculous that our elected officials don’t seem concerned with actually working this out.

    What do you think? Do you think the government is going to be able to do something before we run out of money?